With over thirty years experience in the plastics and chemicals industries, from manufacturing to consulatncy, Dimi was head his own company, Selga Pty Ltd to provide services to the plastics and chemicals industry since 1991. Until the start of 2011 secretariat and webmaster are provided mainly to the Plastics Industry Pipe Association, PIPA.
Dimi no longer looks after the PURD Secretariat for PACIA. This is the Australian Polyurethanes Industry Group of PACIA, Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association. Details about this group are available only from PACIA.
Until 2006, Dimi was a director of Keep Australia Beautiful in NSW, which helps people to care for their environment by motivating them to enhance the quality of their environment through personal effort and community action.

Keep Australia Beautiful (NSW) .
From 2010 to 2015, Dimi was a director of the Sydney Latvian Society in NSW, which provides activities for Australians of Latvian extraction and their friends.

Sydney Latvian Society.
Dimi passed away just before Christmas 2023.
Dimi was the head of the Pesudovs family in Australia.
His son, Konrad, is an optometrist doing research in ophthalmology. You can find out more by going to Konrad's page.

Dimi and Konrad at the Sydney Olympics in 2000
His daughter, Linda is a qualified nurse and find her and Dimi's number one grandson on Linda's page.
His wife, Selga, is a retired systems analyst. You can meet her on Selga's page.
In his spare time, Dimi enjoys sports, especially golf and more recently novuss, a form of disc pool. He has played basketball, volleyball, squash and beach volleyball at competition levels.
 Dimi with his partner John Zutitis
 The 37s against the Latvians
Dimi is the proud holder of a gold medal for beach volleyball from the 8th Australian Masters Games held in October 2001 but they were defeated at the 2002 World Masters, held in Melbourne in October 2002, by teams from Latvia.
They were featured as the best of the week on the sports channel,
rediff.com which includes the following picture taken on St Kilda beach. Dimi is second from the left, with hat.
The plan to defend their title in the 9th Australain Masters in Canberra in 2003 was stopped by Dimi's health.
Since 2009 Dimi has taken up novuss seriously. He plays regularly with the Central Coast Novuss
(CKN) group, originally a subset of the Sydney group (SNK)
He has been competing in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide tournements as well as te Central Coast, with very good results. Currently he is the South Australian singles and doubles champion.
Dimi is so keen, he bought his own table and makes Selga practice with him every day, in her library. So she has started to compete but with poor results until 2011. Stuart also has become keen and shows a talent, so Linda now has bought a table too and they now compete in 2012 under the CKN banner.


Linda and Stuart join Dimi and Selga at novuss comp in Sydney in 2012
Dimi and Linda as a team won the 2014 ALM novuss doubles trophy. They are now the Australian champions! Looks like Selga has to find another partner. The CKN link above goes to Facebook with more details.